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Ivelina Ivanova

"I hate precision and hyperrealism the most. There's something liberating about being sloppy, and I've always stuck to punk. In other words, I'm a fan of the aesthetics of error and the ugly. Even when my main medium was painting, my style relied on scattered watercolor stains that went beyond the contours of many curved lines. Reality is not something rigid, rigid, fixed. For me, it is a variable, a subjective idea, and to perceive and portray it as a cemented, static object is absurd. That is why I reject the idea of ​​striving for precision, both in art and in life. And accordingly, animation, as an art of transience, of change, of movement, combines perfectly with my ideology.
I deal with this field of reality, which is beyond the real. I play with trivial, everyday images and themes (panels, donuts, trash cans). But when I unfold these topical scenes, I rely on my intuition and instill in them a sense of the interconnectedness of everything and the subjectivity of truth. I oppose conventional realism by hinting instead of describing. For my final dissertation in my bachelor's degree in animation, I had to come up with my own term for my artistic technique: "meta-realism".
This artistic tactic shifts the focus from the photorepresentative, factual and unambiguous to the value of subjective reflectivity, influenced by the impressions and memory of the observer. I achieve this by experimenting in my own way with Persistence of Vision, the optical illusion that makes several consecutive images appear as a single moving object in human consciousness. This illusion is the essence of animation, but the ways to deal with it are endless and each colleague finds his own methodology. Mine is psychedelic. Both the images on the screen are recognizable, close, and they are like a dream. Psychedelic visualizations open space for the expression of objective and abstract impressions, without over-concreteness and edification. I do not insist on changing other people's worldviews, and it is not my job, but I hope that the slight discomfort and confusion that my works make viewers experience for a short time will make them at least subconsciously question their perceptions, especially if they have strong and approved ones.
Otherwise, the most important thing for me is that my church is "Doner and banica shop" Fantasia ".
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