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The idea for the company came from the idea that we want to create a community of free, and
like-minded people who want to express themselves through the visual arts. People who
in one way or another they find similarity and comfort in the aesthetics we provide.
Hence the idea for the name inspired by the Cubism movement - ‘CUBISTA’.
The fact is that the designs themselves do not intersect with the style - Cubism, because this is not ours
purpose. We consciously decided to adapt the philosophy behind this movement, and in this one
a line of thought to create our own style with which people to associate.

Cubism at the time was a revolutionary new approach to presenting reality,invented around 1907–08 by the artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. They have uniteddifferent points of view of objects (usually objects or figures) in the same picture,which has led to paintings that seem fragmented and abstracted.In a time when there was no such advanced technology, their paintings looked likegraphic, and of course quite abstract. Affecting each person differently, andallowing one's own opinion of art.We as a company want a more similar way of presenting reality through oursworldview but a more abstract way for people to have the opportunity to doown conclusions about the meaning.Each design has a title, which in most cases has several meanings, and the designs themselvescan be interpreted anyway, no wrong answers!

Experience more of  Kybista's work here:

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