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Hortus       Caelesti  



What is happening with me? They have locked me in on all sides.
What to do? I'm alone in a dark room.
I blindly hold my hand out in front of me.
But everything is hidden. SoS
I still can't get it out of my head.
Like a broken mechanism I lose control.
And only the ticking of the clock can be heard.
Well, that's it! Enough!
The time has expired, I don't understand why.
Not to give up. It attracts me like a magnet.
Secret, secret, how unattainable you are.
You slip away without showing your face.
Again, miracles will come true.
Everything is unpredictable.
But I just got the key...
The end... goodbye...
I want to look the secret in the face.
And without fear I open her door.
I seem to have met her before.
And for the hundredth time everything is upside down.
And in the middle of the night my heart beats so.
I'm getting closer, but I can't make out your face.
On it, everything is just an insidious game.
Erase this! Erase this!
You're just lying to me. Where is the truth here and where is the lie?
Say, I can't tell the difference.
Secret, secret, who are you truly?
You slip away, not even a shadow is left behind you.
Discolored lonely dream.
Lock it with a key.
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